Looking to be involved in your neighborhood where you can make a REAL difference and meet your cool neighbors?
There is room for everyone.
We’d love to have you!
Whatever your interest there is a place for you to be involved!
Block Captains, Mobile Watch, Porchfest Porch Sponsors, Porchfest Band, Neighborhood Representative,
Park Angel, Committee work, Problem Solver, Web Page, Newsletter, Participant, Pedestrian Safety,
Historic Preservation, Traffic impacts, Business mitigation and Outreach, Extreme Party Task Force, Our urban Forest,
Community Development/Land Use, Emergency Prep., CERT, Ham Radio Operator,
Community Gardens, Orchard, Neighborhood Communications
Committee, Block Parties, City Boards or Commissions,
Community History Buff, Bike routes, Holy Cross Chapel Renovation, McClelland Trail, and so much more!