Less Concrete. This driveway looks to be a carpet of green grass but actually utilized

pavers with the capacity for heavy trucks and cranes.

Screening Ideas. Can be used as a trellis, or to block out unsightly equipment.


Way Finding:

Birming, lowering the site, utilizing the grade and slope for parking

and lessening the impact on the adjacent neighbor or streetscape.

Parking lot screening.

Utilizing rows of trees and birmed grass strips hides the expanse of this parking lot,

which also screens parking lot lights and noise.

Swedish Aspen grown an average of 6 feet per year while the circumference is 3 feet.


Pedestrian Safety Feature at an island crossing.

Green Screen strategically placed within a planter will be planted with vines

that will block the view of the parking lot from the neighbors across the street.

Deterring Skateboards:


Matching Neighborhood materials:

East Central Community Council, home of Porchfest Salt Lake.

Tag: East Central; Porchfest Salt Lake; Porchfestslc; Gems in the Garden; East Central Community presents;

East Central – who has written posts on .

By East Central

East Central Community Council, home of Porchfest Salt Lake. Tag: East Central; Porchfest Salt Lake; Porchfestslc; Gems in the Garden; East Central Community presents;

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