A little bit of history regarding University Gardens Islands:
When these historic islands were first created (1913) they replaced the electrical poles and wires that ran down the center of the street. They were called “Parkings” intended as a park for those who were not able to travel to the City parks, mountains and open space as often as they liked. The idea was to bring the park to the neighborhood. One particular island on 1200 East and 200 South was used as a children’s play area, day care, and for family concerts. Although never funded and built, there was a plan to install a skating rink (fed by the springs). The University Neighborhood was the first fully self sustaining neighborhood outside of the downtown area hosting a grocery store, retail, electrical plant, reservoir and general services needed for daily life.
Below are a few historic photos taken in 1915 of the 1200 East and 200 South islands from the Shipler Collection housed at the Utah State History Library.